Passive: Triumphant Roar
Alistar gains Triumph stacks when he stuns or displaces enemy champions or neraby enemies die. At 7 stacks Alistar roars, healing himself for 20 and all nearby allied champions for 40 (3 second cooldown). Alistar cannot gain Triumph stacks while Triumphant Roar is on cooldown. The death of enemy champions and epic monsters fully charges Alistar's roar.
Ability Q: Pulverize (Rank:1) (Cooldown:17) (Cost:65)
Alistar smashes the ground, dealing 60 (+0) magic damage and tossing nearby enemy units into the air for 1 second.
Ability W: Headbutt (Rank:1) (Cooldown:14) (Cost:65)
Alistar rams into an enemy, dealing 55 (+0) magic damage and knocking them back.
Ability E: Trample (Rank:1) (Cooldown:12) (Cost:50)
Alistar tramples the ground, ignoring unit collision and dealing 100 (+0) magic damage over 5 seconds to nearby enemies. Each pulse that damages at least one enemy champion grants Alistar a Trample stack. At 5 Trample stacks Alistar empowers his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal an additional 55 magic damage and stun for 1 second.
Ability R: Unbreakable Will (Rank:1) (Cooldown:120) (Cost:100)
Removes all disables from Alistar. For 7 seconds Alistar takes 55% reduced physical and magical damage.