LOL Stats Calculator - Build Calculator for League of Legends
LOLStatsCalculator is currently in Beta. Please notify us if you experiences any issues or inaccuracies with the build calculator. Thank you.


Patch 8.11

LOLStatsCalculator is fully updated for 8.11.

Patch 8.10

LOLStatsCalculator is fully updated for 8.10.

Patch 8.9

LOLStatsCalculator is fully updated for 8.9.

Patch 8.8

LOLStatsCalculator is fully updated for 8.8.

Patch 8.7

LOLStatsCalculator is fully updated for 8.7 with a few exceptions as listed below.
The Resolve stat changes have not been added as information on the specific level by level breakdown is not currently available. Resolve stats will be updated shortly when the information becomes availalbe.
Text for Gragas W and Lux R is functionally accurate but may not match the exact text that is released with the patch. Text will be updated to match the in game text when it becomes available.

Patch 8.6

LOLStatsCalculator is fully updated for 8.6.

Patch 8.5

LOLStatsCalculator is fully updated for 8.5.

02/24/2018 - Patch comparisons and Patch 8.4

        I am excited to announce that stats can now be calculated and compared across multiple patches. This is something I have been working on for awhile and I am very happy to finally be putting it out there. With this done my full attention will now be focused on adding the champions that are not currently available. Additionally, I must apologize for the lateness of the Patch 8.4 update. Simply put the sheer size and complexity made things difficult. I have taken steps to address some of the issues that held things up so hopefully large patches will not take as long to update in the future. Between the patch comparison update and the scale of Patch 8.4 a lot of changes were made to the site. As always, please let me know if anything seems off either with the calculations or the general functioning of the site.


Patch 8.4

LOLStatsCalculator is fully updated for 8.4.

Patch 8.3

LOLStatsCalculator is fully updated for 8.3.

Patch 8.2

LOLStatsCalculator is fully updated for 8.2.
Ryze has been deactivated due to a bug.

Patch 8.1

LOLStatsCalculator is fully updated for 8.1.

Patch 7.24b

LOLStatsCalculator is fully updated for 7.24b.

Patch 7.24

LOLStatsCalculator is fully updated for 7.24.

Bug Fix:

A bug has been fixed where runes would register for calculation but would not be desplayed when the new page loaded.

Patch 7.23

LolStatsCalculator is updated for Patch 7.23

Patch 7.22

LolStatsCalculator is updated for Patch 7.22
Due to the size of the patch each specific change will not be listed.
The changes have been made though and stats should be accurate for 7.22

11/06/2017 - Update (RUNES REFORGED ARE ACTIVE)

        Runes Reforged are now included in the calculator. I say this with the caveat that they are in a very raw state. The data that was used for this initial release is the data that was available prior to launch. This is mainly from the PBE and Patch notes and could differ slightly from what is released tomorrow. In some cases detailed information was impossible to come by and I had to settle for displaying the range i.e. "10-20 (based on level)" rather than performing a calculation because that was all that was available. I will be keeping a close eye on runes reforged post release and will try and update any discrepencies and fill in the blanks ASAP. With all that in mind this is a massive update which always carries with it the risk of bugs. If anything seems off or inaccurate please notify me and I will look into it. As for the upcoming patch, Patch 7.22 is going to be a monster patch that will take some time to update the site for. I will be prioritizing the update over site developement though so I am hopeful I will be able to get the site updated in a timely manner.


10/25/2017 - Update

TL;DR: Updated for 7.21 and 7.20. New champions added. Passives added to all champions.
Next Priority: Runes Reforged.

        Hey Guys, just wanted to give an update on my progress so far and future plans for the site. About a month ago I made a post on reddit and got a lot of helpful feedback. Based on that feedback I have prioritized a few key additions to the site. The first one, which is being added today, is Passives. This was painstaking work due to technical reasons which I won’t bore you with, but it is done. Every champion that is available now has their passive listed and calculated as well. Turning my attention to the future I have two features I am hoping to turn my sights on next. The first is Runes Reforged. I have not bothered much with the old Runes and Masteries because I didn’t want to spend the time on something that was just going to be deprecated in a month or two anyway. Runes Reforged on the other hand are here to stay for at least a while one would think and I fully intend to add them to the calculator as quickly as possible. The timing of this is unfortunately heavily dependent on how much detailed information about them is released and when, but when the information is available this will be my number one priority. The second feature that I hope to add soon is the ability to compare builds over different Patches to see how much different nerfs or buffs are actually affecting a champion. All of this does unfortunately mean that the addition of new champions now takes a bit of a back seat for the next month or so. The good news is that I was able to add 14 additional champions with this most recent update. Once I am finished with the new features I will hopefully be free to turn the bulk of my attention back to adding champions. Finally, the patch update for 7.20 was a bit slow this time around. Sometimes development gets in the way of updating the stats. I will try to avoid this in the future, but can’t promise anything. Once the site is in a more complete state the Patch updates will be extremely regular and reliable. As always please reach out to us if you see an error or have a suggestion.


Patch 7.21


Ekko's passive "Z-Drive Resonance" was buffed.
DAMAGE TO MONSTERS: 100% to 200%

This change has been accounted for.


Galio's passive "Colossal Smash" was buffed.
RATIO: 0.4 Ability Power to 0.7 Ability Power

Galio's Q "Winds of War" was broken
BASE DAMAGE: 60/95/130/165/200 to 50/80/110/140/170
RATIO: 0.75 Ability Power to 0.9 Ability Power
% MAXIMUM HEALTH OVER TIME: 2% targets maximum health per half-second to 3% targets maximum health per 100 ability power per half-second

Galio's W "Shield of Durand" was buffed
MAGIC DAMAGE REDUCTION: 20/25/30/35/40% (+8% per 100 bonus magic resist) to 20/25/30/35/40% (+5% per 100 ability power)

Galio's E "Justice Punch" was adjusted BASE DAMAGE: 100/140/180/220/260 to 100/130/160/190/220
RATIO: 0.7 ability power to 0.9 ability power.

These changes have been accounted for.


Gangplanks Q "Parrrley" was buffed
GOLD ON KILL: 2/3/4/5/6 to 3/4/5/6/7

This Change has been accounted for.


Rammus' W "Defensive Ball Curl" was adjusted
ARMOR BONUS: 50/55/60/65/70% to 50/60/70/80/90%
MAGIC RESIST BONUS: 50/55/60/65/70% to 25/30/35/40/45%

These Changes have been accounted for.


Sejuani's Base Stats were nerfed
BASE ARMOR: 27 to 21
BASE MAGIC RESIST: 32.1 to 27.1

Sejuani's passive "Fury of the North" was adjusted FLAT BONUS RESISTANCES: 20/60/100 to 20/70/120
SHIELD LINGER DURATION: 1/2/3 to 2 seconds at all ranks
COOLDOWN: 15/12/9 to 12 seconds at all ranks.

Sejuani's E "Permafrost" was nerfed
FREEZE DAMAGE: 40/60/80/100/120 to 20/30/40/50/60
TOOLTIP: Now mentions displacement effects.

These changes have been accounted for.


Udyr's base stats were buffed ATTACK DAMAGE GROWTH STAT: 3.2 to 5

Udyr's Q "Tiger Stance" was nerfed
TIGER STRIKE RATIO: 120/130/140/150/160 to 12/135/150/165/180

Udyr's R "Phoenix Stance" was buffed
PHOENIX STRIKE RATIO: 0.45 ability power to 0.6 ability power.

Patch 7.20


A new effect "Kindling" was added to Brands passive restoring mana when he kills an enemy that is Ablaze. This change has been accounted for.

Tahm Kench

Tahm Kench's Passive "An Aquired Taste" was buffed to "1.25%/1.5%/1.75%" Max Health at levels "1/11/16" from previously being "1%,1.25%,1.5%" at levels "1/11/16". This change has been accounted for."

Tahm Kench received two other changes to his W and his R, but this were detail alterations that do not affect his stats.

Janna (Mid-Patch 7.19)

Janna's base stats were adjusted as follows: Janna's movespeed was nerfed from 335 to 320, Janna's Base Health was nerfed from 525 to 500, Janna's Base Mana was nerfed from 409.52 to 350

Janna's Passive "Tailwind" was nerfed from providing "35% bonus movespeed bonus magic damage at all levels" to providing "15/25/35% bonus movespeed bonus magic damage at levels 1/7/13 respectively."

Janna's W "Zephyr" was nerfed from costing "40/50/60/70/80" Mana to costing "50/60/70/80/90" Mana.

Janna's E "Eye of the storm" was nerfed from providing a sheild of strength "80/120/160/200/240" to providing a sheild of strength "70/105/140/175/210".

Other Champions

Evelynn, Graves, Karma, and Ornn also received changes but are not currently available for calculation.

Sterak's Gage

Sterak's Gage's bonus health was buffed from 400 to 450. This has been accounted for.

Jaurim's Fist

Jaurim's Fist's bonus health was buffed from 150 to 200. This has been accounted for.

Spellthief's Edge

Spelltheif's Edge's bonus ability power was buffed from 5 to 10. This has been accounted for.

Other Items

Ancient Coin also received changes but they did not affect the items stats.

Patch 7.19


Base Stats:
*Caitlyn's Base Health was nerfed from 524.4 to 475
*Caitlyn's Health Growth stat was buffed from 80 to 85
*Caitlyn's Base Attackspeed was buffed from 0.543 to 0.568
*Caitlyn's Attackspeed Growth stat was buffed from 2% to 4%
*Caitlyn's Innate Bonus Attackspeed (Passive) was nerfed from 15% to 10%
All of these changes have been accounted for.

Caitlyn's Q "Piltover Peacemaker" was buffed from dealing "50% to enemies beyond the first" to dealing "67% to enemies beyond the first". This change was been accounted for.

Caitlyn's W "Yordle Snap Trap" received several changes.
*The Trap Duration was nerfed from being "90 seconds at all levels" to being "30/35/40/45/50 seconds".
*The Bonus Headshot Damage was adjusted from being "10/55/100/145/190 (+0.6 total AD)" to being "40/90/140/190/240 (+0.4/0.55/0.7/0.85/1.0 bonus AD)."
All of these changes have been accounted for
(Note: The Target Reveal Duration and Charge Rate were also adjusted but do not appear in the ability description.)


Base Stats:
*Janna's Attack Range was buffed from 475 to 550
*Janna's Base Attack Damage was nerfed from 52 to 46
*Janna's Attack Damage Growth stat was nerfed from 3 to 1.5
*Janna's Attack Speed Growth stat was buffed from 2.61% to 2.95%
*Janna's Base Health was buffed from 487 to 525
*Janna's Health Growth stat was nerfed from 78 to 70
All of these changes have been accounted for.

Janna's Q "Howling Gale" received several changes.
*The mana cost was reduced from "90/105/120/135/150" to "60/80/100/120/140".
*The Cooldown was adjusted from being "14/13/12/11/10" to being "12 seconds at all ranks".
*Howling Gale now always reaches it's destination in 1.5 seconds.
All of these changes have been accounted for.
(Note The Range was also adjusted but is not included in the ability description.)

Janna's W "Zephyr" received several changes
*The Cooldown was reduced from "12 seconds at all ranks" to "8 seconds at all ranks".
*The Slow Duration was nerfed from "3 seconds" to "2 seconds".
*The Passive Movement Speed was nerfed from "9/11/13/15/17%" to "6/7/8/9/10%".
All of these changes have been accounted for.
(Note: The Range was also adjusted but is not included in the ability description.)

Janna's E "Eye of the Storm" was nerfed from having a Cooldown of "10 seconds at all ranks" to having a Cooldown of "18/16/14/12/10 seconds". This change has been accounted for.


Orianna received several adjustments regarding how her abilities interact with each other as well as the missle speed of her Q. None of these changes affect her stat calculations.


Vayne's Q "Tumble" been buffed from dealing Bonus Damage of "30/35/40/45/50% of total Attack Damage" to dealing "50/55/60/65/70% of total Attack Damage". This change has been accounted for.

Vayne's W "Silver Bolts" has been adjusted from dealing "6/7.5/9/10.5/12% of targets max health" and having a Minimum Damage of "40/60/80/100/120" to dealing "4/6/8/10/12% of targets max health" and having a Minimum Damage of "50/65/80/95/110". This change has been accounted for.


Veigar's Attack Range was buffed from 525 to 550
Veigar's Base Health Regen was buffed from 5.42 to 6.5
Veigar's Health Regen Growth stat has been biffed from 0.55 to 0.6
All of these changes have been accounted for.

Veigar's W "Dark Matter" was buffed from having a Cooldown of "10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds." to having a Cooldown of "8 seconds at all ranks". The Cooldown also now scales with his stacks. Both changes have been accounted for.

Other Champions

Azir, Aatrox, Malphite, and Ornn also received changes, but are not currently available for calculation. When they are added thay will be updated with the most current patch stats.

Xin Zhao received extensive changes to several of his abilities and has been deactivated until these changes can be accounted for.

Patch 7.18


Gragas Base Armor was nerfed from 29.05 to 26.05. This has been accounted for.

Grags E "Body Slam was nerfed in regards to its Collision Detection Radius and Hitbox Offset Radius Neither of these affect his stat calculations.


Kalista's R "Fate's Call" was nerfed from having a cooldown of "120/90/60" to having a cooldown of "150/120/90". This has been accounted for.

Lee Sin

Lee Sin's W "Safeguard" was adjusted from having a Base Shield of "40/100/160/220/280" to having a Base Shield of "55/110/165/220/275". This has been accounted for.


Tristana's E "Explosive Charge" was nerfed from having a Bonus AD Ratio of "0.5/0.65/0.8/0.95/1.1" to having a Bonus AD Ratio of "0.5/0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9". This change has been accounted for.

Other Champions

Azir, Cassiopeia, Elise, Fiora, Gnar, Ivern, Jarvan IV, Lucian, Nautilus, Nidalee, Ornn, Rakan, Rengar, and Ryze also received changes, but are not currently available for calculation. When they are added thay will be updated with the most current patch stats.


Patch 7.17


Ezreal's Q "Mystic Shot" was buffed from having an AD ratio of "1.1 total attack damage" to having an AD ratio of "1.25 total attack damage". This change has been fully accounted for


Hecarim received non-statistical changes to his E "Devastating Charge" and R "Onslaught of Shadows". His ability descriptions have been updated to reflect these changes. Both changes have been fully accounted for.


Leona's Q "Shield of Daybreak" was adjusted from having a scaling cooldown of "9/8/7/6/5 seconds" to having a constant cooldown of "6 seconds". This change has been fully accounted for.

Leona also received adjustments to her passive "Sunlight". Passives are not currently included in calculations


Urgot's R "Fear Beyond Death" was buffed from inflicting a slow duration of "3 seconds" to inflicting a slow duration of "4 seconds". This change has been fully accounted for.


Zed's base stats were buffed from having a base attack speed of "0.644" to having a base attack speed of "0.651".

Zed's W "Living Shadow" was buffed from having a shadow length of "4.5 seconds" to having a shadow length of "5 seconds". This change has been fully accounted for.

Patch 7.16


Caitlyn's Q "Piltover Peacemaker" was nerfed from dealing "67% to enemies beyond the first" to dealing "50% to enemies beyond the first". This change has been accounted for

Caitlyn's W "Yordle Snap Trap" was nerfed from dealing "30/70/110/150/190(+0.7 total attack damage)" to dealing "10/55/100/145/190(+0.6 total attack damage)". This change has been partially accounted for.


Fiora's Passive was buffed from gaining "15/20/25/30% bonus movement speed" to gaining "15/25/35/45% bonus movement speed". Passives are not currently included in calculations.


Kayne received several bug fixes in 7.16 but no stat changes


Maokai's E "Sapling Toss" was nerfed from dealing "8% target's maximum health at all ranks" to dealing "6/6.5/7/7.5/8% targets maximum health" saplings in brush deal double the damage at each rank now. This change has been accounted for.


Scion's W "Soul Furnace" was nerfed from restoring "3 bonus health per small unit killed" to restoring "2 bonus health per small unit killed". This change has been accounted for


Vi's R "Assault and Battery" was buffed from having a cooldown of "150/115/80" to having a cooldown of "130/100/70". This has not yet been accounted for.


Cassiopeia's E "Twin Fang" was adjusted from dealing "10/40/70/100/130(+0.35 ability power)" to dealing "15/40/65/9/115(+0.4 ability power)" to poisoned targets. This change has been accounted for.

Cassiopeia's base stats were adjusted from have a Base Mana of 375 to having a Base Mana of 334
and from having Mana Growth of 60 to having Mana Growth of 63. This change has been accounted for.


Corki's base stats were nerfed from having a Base Attack Damage of 58 to having a Base Attack Damage of 55. This change has been accounted for.


Fizz's E "Playful/Trickster" has been buffed from having a cooldown of "18/16/14/12/10" to having a cooldown of "16/14.5/13/11.5/10". This change has been accounted for.


Galio's R "Hero's Entrance" has been nerfed from having a cooldown of "160/140/120" to having a cooldown of "180/150/120" and from having Ally Damage Reduction of "20/30/40%" to having Ally Damage Reduction of "20/25/30%". Both changes have been accounted for.


LeBlanc's Q "Shatter Orb" was nerfed from dealing "80% Minion Damage" to dealing "60% Minion Damage". This change has been accounted for.


Orianna's W "Command: Dissonance" was nerfed from having a base damage of "70/115/16/205/250" to having a base damage of "60/105/150/195/240". This change has been accounted for.

Orianna's E "Command: Protect" was nerfed from having a base shield of "80/120/160/200/240" to having a base shield of "60/100/140/180/220". This change has been accounted for.


Syndra's Q "Dark Sphere" was nerfed from having an AP Ratio of "0.75 ability power" to having an AP Ratio of "0.65 ability power". This change has been accounted for

Syndra's E "Scatter the Weak" was buffed from having an AP Ratio of "0.5 ability power" to having an AP Ratio of "0.6 ability power". This change has been accounted for.


Taliyah's Q "Threaded Volley" was nerfed from having a Mana Cost of "50/55/60/65/70" to having a Mana Cost of "60/70/80/90/100". This change has not yet been accounted for.