AD Stats
Attack damage: 51.376
Attack range: 600
Attackspeed: 0.625
Crit: 0%
Life Steal: 0%
Raw DPS: 32.11
Tank Stats
Health: 480
HP Regen: 1.115
Armor: 21.22
Magic resist: 30
Mage Stats
Ability Power: 0
Mana: 495
MP Regen: 1.6
CDR : 0%
Movespeed: 325
Passive: Rebirth
Upon taking fatal damage, Anivia reverts to an egg, healing to full Health and receiving -40 Armor and Magic Resist. If she survives for 6 seconds, she is reborn. Rebirth has a 240 second cooldown.
Ability Q: Flash Frost (Rank:1) (Cooldown:10) (Cost:80)
A massive chunk of ice flies toward target location, dealing 60 (+0) magic damage. At the end of its range or if Anivia activates the spell again, the missile detonates, doing 60 (+0) magic damage in a small area and stunning units for 1.1 seconds. Enemies damaged by Flash Frost are also slowed by 20% for 3 seconds.
Ability W: Crystallize (Rank:1) (Cooldown:17) (Cost:70)
Anivia summons an impassable wall of ice 400 units wide, blocking all movement. The wall lasts for 5 seconds before it melts.
Ability E: Frostbite (Rank:1) (Cooldown:4) (Cost:50)
Anivia blasts her target with a freezing wind, dealing 50 (+0) magic damage. If a target was recently stunned by Anivia or damaged by a fully formed Glacial Storm, they take double damage.
Ability R: Glacial Storm (Rank:1) (Cooldown:6) (Cost:75)
Toggle: Drains 40 Mana per second. Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail that increases in size over 1.5 seconds, dealing 40 (+0) magic damage per second to targets and slowing their Movement Speed by 20%. When the Glacial Storm is fully formed, it slows targets' Movement Speed by 30% and does 300% damage instead.