Passive: Backstab
Shaco's basic attack critically strikes for 130% (+0) damage when striking a unit from behind (200% to Monsters). Enemies can't be Backstabbed more than once every 3 seconds. This cooldown is modified by Cooldown Reduction.
Ability Q: Deceive (Rank:1) (Cooldown:16) (Cost:60)
Shaco teleports nearby and becomes Invisible for 1.5 seconds. Shaco remains Invisible even if he uses Jack in the Box or Hallucinate. His next basic attack during or shortly after Invisibility deals 10 (+0) (+0) bonus physical damage and reduces Deceive's cooldown by 2.5 seconds.
Ability W: Jack In The Box (Rank:1) (Cooldown:16) (Cost:50)
Shaco creates a Jack in the Box that hides from view after 2 seconds. It pops out when an enemy comes near or when uncovered by a ward or trinket, making nearby enemies flee very slowly for 0.5 seconds. Its attacks deal 35 (+0) magic damage. It lasts for 60 (+0) seconds while hidden or 5 seconds while firing.
Ability E: Two-Shiv Poison (Rank:1) (Cooldown:8) (Cost:50)
Passive: While Two-Shiv Poison is ready to cast, Shaco's basic attacks reduce the target's movement speed by 20% for 2 seconds. Active: Shaco throws a shiv that deals 55 (+0) (+0) physical damage and reduces the target's movement speed by 20% for 3 seconds. The shiv's damage is increased by up to 50% based on the target's missing health.
Ability R: Hallucinate (Rank:1) (Cooldown:100) (Cost:100)
Shaco vanishes briefly and reappears with a clone. The clone lasts up to 18 seconds and detonates when it dies, dealing 200 (+0) magic damage to nearby enemies and spawning three mini Jack in the Boxes. Mini boxes deal 25 (+0) damage, make enemies flee for 0.75 second(s), and trigger together. Clone deals 75% of Shaco's damage and receives 50% increased damage. The clone can be controlled by holding the alt key and using the right mouse button or by reactivating this ability.