AD Stats
Attack damage: 50.71
Attack range: 550
Attackspeed: 0.625
Crit: 0%
Life Steal: 0%
Raw DPS: 31.694
Tank Stats
Health: 505
HP Regen: 1.3
Armor: 22.55
Magic resist: 30
Mage Stats
Ability Power: 0
Mana: 490
MP Regen: 1.6
CDR : 0%
Movespeed: 340
Passive: Baleful Strike
Veigar is the greatest Evil to ever strike at the heart of Runeterra - and he's only getting bigger! Striking an enemy Champion with a spell grants Veigar a stack of Phenomenal Evil, giving him +1 Ability Power. Takedowns grant an additional 5 stacks.
Veigar's evilness has earned him a total of 0 Ability Power.
Ability Q: Baleful Strike (Rank:1) (Cooldown:7) (Cost:40)
Unleashes a bolt of dark energy, dealing 70 (+0) magic damage to the first two enemies hit. Killing a unit with this also grants Veigar a stack of Phenomenal Evil. Large minions and large monsters grant two.
Ability W: Dark Matter (Rank:1) (Cooldown:8) (Cost:60)
After 1.2 seconds, dark matter falls from the sky to the target location, dealing 100 (+0) magic damage.
Ability E: Event Horizon (Rank:1) (Cooldown:18) (Cost:70)
After a 0.5 second delay, Veigar twists the edges of space around the target location for 3 seconds, forming a pentagon of walls. Enemies who attempt to pass through the perimeter are stopped and stunned for 1.5 seconds.
Ability R: Primordial Burst (Rank:1) (Cooldown:120) (Cost:100)
Blasts the target with primal magic to deal 175 (+0) to 350 (+0) magic damage, increasing based on the target's missing health. Damage is maximized against enemies below 33% health.