LOL Stats Calculator - Build Calculator for League of Legends
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Katarina : the Sinister Blade (Level: 1)



AD Stats

Attack damage: 58
Attack range: 125
Attackspeed: 0.658
Crit: 0%
Life Steal: 0%
Raw DPS: 38.164

Tank Stats

Health: 602
HP Regen: 1.5
Armor: 27.88
Magic resist: 32.1

Mage Stats

Ability Power: 0
Mana: 0
MP Regen: 0
CDR : 0%


Movespeed: 340


Passive: Voracity
Whenever an enemy champion dies that Katarina has damaged in the last 3 seconds, her ability cooldowns are reduced by 15 seconds.
If Katarina picks up a Dagger, she uses it to slash through all nearby enemies, dealing 68 (+0) (+ 0) magic damage.

Ability Q: Bouncing Blade (Rank:1) (Cooldown:11) (Cost:0)
Katarina throws a Dagger, dealing 75 (+0) magic damage to the target and 2 nearby enemies. The dagger then ricochets onto the ground behind the primary target.

Ability W: Preparation (Rank:1) (Cooldown:15) (Cost:0)
Katarina tosses a Dagger into the air and gains 50% decaying movement speed over 1.25 seconds.

Ability E: Shunpo (Rank:1) (Cooldown:14) (Cost:0)
Katarina dashes in the blink of an eye to the target ally, enemy, or Dagger. If it is an enemy, Katarina strikes for 15 (+29) (+0) magic damage - otherwise she strikes the nearest enemy in range. Picking up a Dagger will reduce Shunpo's cooldown by 10.92 seconds (0.78%).

Ability R: Death Lotus (Rank:1) (Cooldown:90) (Cost:0)
Katarina becomes a flurry of blades, rapidly throwing knives at the three nearest enemy champions, dealing 25 (+0) (+0) magic damage per knife. Total over 2.5 seconds to each enemy: 375 (+0) (+0) magic damage. Applies Grievous Wounds to all enemies struck, reducing their healing and regeneration by 40%.





Item 1:
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Primary Path: None

Primary Path: Precision

Tier 1:
Tier 2:
Tier 3:

Primary Path: Domination

Tier 1:
Tier 2:
Tier 3:

Primary Path: Sorcery

Tier 1:
Tier 2:
Tier 3:

Primary Path: Resolve

Tier 1:
Tier 2:
Tier 3:

Primary Path: Inspiration

Tier 1:
Tier 2:
Tier 3:

Secondary Path: None

Secondary Path: Precision

Rune 1:
Rune 2:

Secondary Path: Domination

Rune 1:
Rune 2:

Secondary Path: Sorcery

Rune 1:
Rune 2:

Secondary Path: Resolve

Rune 1:
Rune 2:

Secondary Path: Inspiration

Rune 1:
Rune 2: