AD Stats
Attack damage: 69
Attack range: 125
Attackspeed: 0.651
Crit: 0%
Life Steal: 0%
Raw DPS: 44.919
Tank Stats
Health: 570.8
HP Regen: 1.485
Armor: 33
Magic resist: 32.1
Mage Stats
Ability Power: 0
Energy: 200
MP Regen: 10
CDR : 0%
Movespeed: 345
Passive: Flurry
After Lee Sin uses an ability, his next two basic attacks gain 40% Attack Speed. The first attack restores 20 Energy, the second attack restores 10.
Ability Q: Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike (Rank:1) (Cooldown:11) (Cost:50)
Sonic Wave: Lee Sin projects a discordant wave of sound to locate his enemies, dealing 55 (+0) physical damage to the first enemy it encounters, granting True Sight of the target. If Sonic Wave hits, Lee Sin can cast Resonating Strike for the next 3 seconds. Resonating Strike: Lee Sin dashes to the enemy hit by Sonic Wave, dealing 55 (+0) physical damage plus 8% of their missing Health (Max: 400 Damage vs. Monsters).
Ability W: Safeguard / Iron Will (Rank:1) (Cooldown:14) (Cost:50)
Safeguard: Lee Sin rushes to target ally. If the ally is a champion, Lee Sin shields the ally and himself for 55 (+0) damage for 2 seconds and Safeguard's cooldown is reduced by 50%. After using Safeguard, Lee Sin can cast Iron Will for the next 3 seconds. Iron Will: Lee Sin gains 10% Life Steal and Spell Vamp for 4 seconds.
Ability E: Tempest / Cripple (Rank:1) (Cooldown:10) (Cost:50)
Tempest: Lee Sin smashes the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals 70 (+0) magic damage. If Tempest hits an enemy, Lee Sin can cast Cripple for the next 3 seconds. Cripple: Lee Sin cripples nearby enemies struck by Tempest for 4 seconds, slowing their Movement Speed by 20%. Movement Speed recovers gradually over the duration.
Ability R: Dragon's Rage (Rank:1) (Cooldown:110) (Cost:0)
Lee Sin performs a powerful roundhouse kick knocking an enemy champion back and dealing 150 (+0) physical damage. Enemies the target collides with are knocked into the air briefly and take physical damage equal to 150 (+0) plus 12% of the initial target's bonus health.