AD Stats
Attack damage: 50.544
Attack range: 550
Attackspeed: 0.69
Crit: 0%
Life Steal: 0%
Raw DPS: 34.875
Tank Stats
Health: 541
HP Regen: 1.118
Armor: 29
Magic resist: 30
Mage Stats
Ability Power: 0
Energy: 200
MP Regen: 10
CDR : 0%
Movespeed: 335
Passive: Mark of the Storm
Kennen's abilities add one stack of Mark of the Storm to their target for 6 seconds. If the target reaches 3 stacks, it is stunned for 1.25 seconds and Kennen gains 25 Energy.
The stun will be a diminished duration of 0.5 seconds if it occures again within 6 seconds.
Ability Q: Thundering Shuriken (Rank:1) (Cooldown:8) (Cost:60)
Throws a shuriken that deals 75 (+0) magic damage to the first enemy it hits.
Ability W: Electrical Surge (Rank:1) (Cooldown:14) (Cost:40)
Passive: Every 5 attacks, Kennen deals bonus magic damage equal to 10 (+30.3264) (+0) and adds a Mark of the Storm to his target. Active: Sends a surge of electricity through all nearby enemies affected by Mark of the Storm or Slicing Maelstrom, dealing 60 (+0) magic damage.
Ability E: Lightning Rush (Rank:1) (Cooldown:10) (Cost:100)
Kennen doubles his base movement speed and ignores unit collision for 2 seconds, dealing 85 (+0) magic damage to any enemy he passes through. Additionally, Kennen will gain 10 Armor and Magic Resist for 4 seconds. Kennen gains 40 Energy the first time he passes through an enemy. Lightning Rush deals half damage to minions. Upon exiting Lightning Rush Kennen gains 0% attack speed.
Ability R: Slicing Maelstrom (Rank:1) (Cooldown:120) (Cost:0)
Summons a magical storm for 3 seconds that deals 40 (+0) magic damage to all enemies near Kennen every 0.5 seconds. Each maelstrom hit applies Mark of the Storm, up to a maximum of 3. Successive maelstrom hits against the same enemy deal an additional 10% damage for each hit they've already suffered from this storm.