AD Stats
Attack damage: 65
Attack range: 125
Attackspeed: 0.658
Crit: 0%
Life Steal: 0%
Raw DPS: 42.77
Tank Stats
Health: 584.48
HP Regen: 1.618
Armor: 35
Magic resist: 32.1
Mage Stats
Ability Power: 0
Mana: 270.4
MP Regen: 1.618
CDR : 0%
Movespeed: 345
Passive: Chosen of the Storm
When Volibear drops below 30% Health, he heals for 30% of his maximum Health over 6 seconds.
Ability Q: Rolling Thunder (Rank:1) (Cooldown:12) (Cost:40)
Volibear drops to all fours to hunt his enemies, gaining 15% Movement Speed for 4 seconds. This bonus is enhanced to 30% Movement Speed while moving toward enemy champions. Volibear's next attack during this time deals an additional 30 physical damage and flings the target behind him.
Ability W: Frenzy (Rank:1) (Cooldown:18) (Cost:35)
Passive: Volibear gains 4% Attack Speed with each attack. Stacks up to 3 times. Active: When Volibear has 3 stacks of Frenzy, he can bite an enemy to deal 60 (+0 [15% of bonus Health]) physical damage, increased by 1% for each 1% Health the target is missing. If Volibear bites a monster, Frenzy's cooldown is reduced by 50%.
Ability E: Majestic Roar (Rank:1) (Cooldown:11) (Cost:60)
Volibear deals 60 (+0) magic damage to nearby enemies, knocking them back slightly and slowing them by 30% for 3 seconds. Enemies who are airborn or dashing are delt an additional 40 (+0) magic damage. Additionally, minions and monsters are feared for 3 seconds.
Ability R: Thunder Claws (Rank:1) (Cooldown:100) (Cost:100)
Volibear erupts with chain lightning, striking up to 8 nearby enemies with 75 (+0) magic damage. For the next 12 seconds, the storm empowers Volibear, causing his basic attacks to deal 75 (+0) bonus magic damage that chains to 8 nearby enemies.