AD Stats
Attack damage: 52.04
Attack range: 525
Attackspeed: 0.658
Crit: 0%
Life Steal: 0%
Raw DPS: 34.242
Tank Stats
Health: 528
HP Regen: 1.568
Armor: 22.72
Magic resist: 30
Mage Stats
Ability Power: 0
Mana: 405
MP Regen: 1.6
CDR : 0%
Movespeed: 335
Passive: Glorious Evolution
Viktor starts with the Prototype Hex Core that can be upgraded three times in the store to augment his abilities.
Ability Q: Siphon Power (Rank:1) (Cooldown:8) (Cost:45)
Viktor blasts an enemy unit, dealing 60 (+0) magic damage while granting Viktor a shield that absorbs up to 36.45 (+0) damage over the next 2.5 seconds. Viktor's next basic attack deals 20 (+0) bonus magic damage. Augment - Turbocharge: Siphon Power's shield is increased by 60% and Viktor gains 30% Movement Speed for 2.5 seconds.
Ability W: Gravity Field (Rank:1) (Cooldown:17) (Cost:65)
Viktor deploys a gravitational imprisonment device for 4 seconds, slowing enemy units by 28% and adding a stack every 0.5 seconds. At 3 stacks the target is stunned for 1.5 seconds. Augment - Implosion: Enemies stunned by Gravity Field are dragged to the center.
Ability E: Death Ray (Rank:1) (Cooldown:13) (Cost:70)
Viktor uses his robotic arm to fire a chaos beam that cuts across the field in a line, dealing 70 (+0) magic damage to every enemy in its path. Augment - Aftershock: An explosion follows the Death Ray's wake, dealing 20 (+0) magic damage.
Ability R: Chaos Storm (Rank:1) (Cooldown:120) (Cost:100)
Viktor conjures a singularity at target location, dealing 100 (+0) magic damage and interrupting enemy channels. Viktor can redirect the singularity for 6.5 seconds, which will discharge 150 (+0) magic damage every 2 seconds to nearby enemies. The singularity will move slower as it attempts to move farther away from Viktor. Augment - Velocity: Chaos Storm moves 20% faster.