Passive: Moonsilver Blade
Every third strike restores 0 mana and cleaves nearby enemies for an additional 20 (+0) magic damage. After casting a spell, Diana gains 50% attack speed for her next 3 attacks.
Ability Q: Crescent Strike (Rank:1) (Cooldown:8) (Cost:55)
Unleashes a bolt of lunar energy in an arc dealing 60 (+0) magic damage. Afflicts enemies struck with Moonlight, revealing them if they are not stealthed for 3 seconds.
Ability W: Pale Cascade (Rank:1) (Cooldown:10) (Cost:40)
Creates three orbiting spheres that explode on contact with enemies dealing 22 (+0) magic damage. Lasts 5 seconds. Grants a temporary shield that absorbs 40 (+0) damage. If the third sphere detonates, the shield increases by 40 (+0).
Ability E: Moonfall (Rank:1) (Cooldown:26) (Cost:70)
Passive: Increases the attack speed gained from Moonsilver Blade to 50%. Active: Reveals and draws in all nearby enemies and then slows them by 35% for 2 seconds.
Ability R: Lunar Rush (Rank:1) (Cooldown:25) (Cost:50)
Becomes the living embodiment of the vengeful moon, dashing to an enemy and dealing 100 (+0) magic damage. Lunar Rush has no cooldown when used to dash to an enemy afflicted with Moonlight. All other enemies will have the Moonlight debuff removed regardless of whether they were the target of Lunar Rush.